Lists and tags can be managed from the Data Management, which you can locate under "My Profile."


A List is a way of organizing all of your addresses in the BatchLeads interface. When you add a property address to the system, you must assign it to a list. Lists are like file folders, and each property is like a file.

The List Manager page will display existing lists, and you can use the Search tool to search for a particular list.

To view a list, click the little blue eye icon to the right of the list name, this will navigate you to your property section, where you can view the properties within that list. 

You can edit the list name by clicking the pencil icon. Provide a new name in the field provided, and click Save to save the new name in the system. Canceling will take you back to the Lists.

You can delete a list using the trashcan icon. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion. Be aware that deletions cannot be undone. Once confirming the deletion by checking the box to indicate you understand the list cannot be recovered, the list will be removed from the system and will no longer appear in your inventory of Lists.


Tags are built for your own, internal list/address organization. Tags are completely optional and allow you to further segment your lists and addresses.

Click the Tags section to manage your tags and then the list of existing Tags in the system will be displayed. You can view, edit, or delete existing tags.

To create a new Tag, click Add New Tag in the upper right-hand corner of the screen, 

Provide a Tag Name, Tag Description, and Save the tag.

List and tags of each property can also be seen by clicking on property details List/Tags. It indicates the list and tag counts.